We've pulled together a few tips that we think are important for you to know before you bring your new puppy home.
Remember that before going to your home, your puppy has been surrounded by warm puppy siblings its enire life. Being separated from them and their Mom is a big adjustment.
They have been used to our family members' voices, smells, sounds and touch. Getting acclimated to a new family will require some time and patience on your part.
It is normal at first for puppies to whine or cry. The first few days are the hardest for your new puppy, and it can take a few days or even weeks to fully adjust to your new home without them feeling restless.
But we promise it will all be worthwhile, so hang in there and you will have a wonderful lifetime companion!
You will need a crate for your puppy to keep them safe and secure. It will be your puppy's safe calm place to go and they will eventually think of it as their den, when they need a break or to sleep. We recommend a 24" crate for our minis, and a 36" crate for our standards. The larger crates are adjustable so your puppy can grow with it and you can make it small enough with a divider to make your puppy feel secure. For easy care, place a bath mat in the crate, then a puppy pad to keep the mat clean, then a towel on top. If the towel becomes soiled, you only have to wash the towel. We recommend purchasing several inexpensive towels for this purpose.
For the first several weeks of your puppy's life, we recommend placing the crate in your room within 4 or 5 feet of you, so that your puppy can see you and knows you're near.
We provide a blanket for each of our puppies that has been rubbed on the litter. Place this blanket in the crate to make your puppy feel safer. It can be easily washed if your puppy has an accident. Also a stuffed animal or a rice bag warmed up under the blanket can help make it feel like a litter mate.
Place a blanket over the crate to make your puppy feel more safe. Your puppy will soon realize he/she is in a safe environment, and before you know it, going to bed will be easy.
Take your puppy out right before bed to potty and walk around a bit to help your puppy sleep better. Their bladder may still be too small to hold the urine through the night for the first few nights, but we do not recommend taking your puppy out in the middle of night as it teaches them that this is normal behavior.
Take your puppy out first thing in the morning as soon as you get up or when they begin to whine. Pick your puppy up and take them outside to the same spot each time. Your puppy will need to go out about every two hours during the day, and also immediately after they eat.
We recommend bell training for potty training. Help the puppy ring the bell with its paw and say potty each time you go out. When they start to ring it themselves, treat and provide positive reinforcement.
To crate train your puppy, put your puppy in its crate near family for short periods to get him used to his new crate for about 30-40 minutes. When you take your puppy out of the crate, immediately take your puppy outside to potty. When your puppy goes potty, praise them profusely, and provide treats and positive reinforcement. Play with your puppy outside of the crate for another 40 minutes or so. Then take them outside once again before putting them back in the crate. Repeat this process consistently, and you will have a trained puppy in no time!
Always use positive reinforcement when training your puppy. There are also some great positive training books available and you can usually find good training classes for your puppy at a local pet store. It really helps to get a jump-start on training your puppy.
It is important to have your puppy on a high quality food throughout its lifetime. Your puppy has been eating a high quality dog food, 3 to 4 times a day. We will send you information on the specifics of the food, and send you home with puppy's very own bag. Do not change this diet in any way for at least 1 bag of food or this can result in an upset stomach and/or diarrhea.
To feed your puppy, let your puppy eat as much as it wants for 15-20 minutes, then put the food up until the next feeding time. Always take food away from your puppy at least 3 hours before bed time to help ensure that your puppy can make it through the night without accidents.
For our Teacup puppies, make sure your puppy always has access to food and water. They are tiny and need to eat small amounts throughout the day. Like a baby, their glucose levels can drop easily so they need to have constant food and water.
Make sure your puppy is eating and drinking the first day you bring it home. You may want to wet the food a little with water if they are not eating or give them a little vanilla yogurt.
Never give your puppy table scraps or milk. Always make sure to have clean fresh water available to your puppy at all times. Do not put water in your puppy's crate at nighttime.
When selecting a new food, check on www.dogfoodadvisor.com to make sure your new food has a high rating. When switching foods at any time in your dog's life, always transition to the new food over the course of a week by mixing 1/4 new food with 3/4 old for a few days, then 1/2 and 1/2 for a few days, then 3/4 new to 1/4 old for a few days. This will result in a smooth transition that will not upset his stomach.
We send your new puppy home with a current health clearance from our trusted veterinarian. To honor our contract, you will need to take your puppy to a trusted veterinarian near you within 60 days of receiving your puppy. Your puppy will come with its first shot, and they will need 2-3 more before your puppy is completely vaccinated including PARVOVIRUS, DISTEMPER, ADENIVIRUS 2 AND PARAINFLUENZA.
It is extremely important to get your puppy fully vaccinated. Usually shots are given 3-4 weeks apart and help to build immunity to these diseases in your puppy's body. A rabies shot is usually given between 12-14 weeks of age. Remember to ask your veterinarian about heart worm in your area and follow up on your veterinarian's recommended flee and tick schedule.
The First shot was given to your puppy at 6 weeks and at that time, he/she was also taken to our veterinarian where they checked eyes, ears, lungs and heart, and also did a puppy wellness exam from head to toe. DO NOT allow your Vet to give your puppy a shot on their first visit as it wll be too soon and could compromise their immune system. Next Shots should be at: 10 weeks, 14 weeks, and 18 weeks.
DO NOT take your puppy to puppy parks, local pet stores, rest stops, high traffic areas where other dogs have been that may not have been vaccinated until your puppy is completely vaccinated - usually at around 4 months. When taking puppy to the vet do NOT let it run around where other sick dogs may have walked. Either carry your puppy or put them in a crate. You want to keep your new puppy safe!
After the round of vaccines are given there will be plenty of time for socialization with other dogs and puppies. At that time you can introduce your puppy to other pets, dog parks, stores etc.,. And it will be a perfect time to sign up for a puppy training class.
Bringing a puppy to a new home can be very stressful and can cause some digestive problems. They can have an upset stomach, vomit and even have diarrhea. We strive to deliver the healthiest possible puppy to you, but there are two specific parasites, giardia and coccidia, diarrhea-causing bacteria that can cause your puppy problems. These parasites live in the bowels of ALL dogs. Coccidia is always present in puppies' intestines (no matter how careful the breeder is). They lie waiting for something to trigger and upset the digestive system to start to multiply. CHANGE is the biggest factor!
The parasites will overgrow and symptoms will begin. Some of the symptoms can be persistent loose stools, stools that contain liquid, thick mucus, or are light in color. There may also be spots of blood in the stools. Other symptoms may include poor appetite, vomiting and dehydration. If left untreated, these can be life-threatening.
Coccidian infection is common in young pups under 6 months of age. Coccidian is not exactly a parasite but can be just as hard to get rid of. A daily supply of yogurt prevents coccidian from getting out of hand and keeps the GI tract in good functioning balance. If your puppy is put on an antibiotic for any reason give your puppy yogurt to replace the good bacteria and consider a probiotic. If your puppy is showing signs of coccidian at any time, seek your trusted veterinarian, who can easily diagnose the problem. The veterinarian can prescribe inexpensive medicine and the infection will be eliminated.
Contact: Timber Taylor Doodles | West Ogden, UT | | Email us: timbertaylordoodles@gmail.com
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