Toy Poodle
9 Pounds
Beth is a 9 pound toy poodle. She is deep red. She is laid-back and loves to snuggle with her mom. She is very smart and loves everyone.
Toy Poodle
5 pounds
Carly is a 5 pound toy poodle. She is a fun-loving girl with lots of love to give.
F1B Mini Goldendoodle
22 pounds
Coco is a 22 pound Mini F1b Goldendoodle. She is apricot in color, and has a curly coat. She has a darling personality, so friendly and sweet!
F1B Mini Goldendoodle
20 pounds
Dolce is a 20 pound Mini Apricot F1b Goldendoodle. Dolce is a darling little dog that lives to please her family and loves to play with the other dogs.
Mini Goldendoodle
15 pounds
Evie is the friendliest girl you will ever meet! She has such a calm, sweet personality and loves to make friends everywhere she goes! She is a gorgeous Mini Goldendoodle, with a soft wavy coat.
F1 Teacup Goldendoodle
13 pounds
Ginger is a vibrant red, curly Teacup Goldendoodle weighing 13 pounds. She is playful and fun, and very clever.
Red Golden Retriever
50 pounds
Harper is a fun-loving girl. She loves to go on walks, and is totally content to be with her family just watching TV!
Teacup Goldendoodle
13 pounds
Red and White
Leia loves running out in an open yard and hiking. She loves playing fetch and tug and loves chewing on her cow horn. Our favorite things about her are her sweet personality, and that she is really good at listening and she is a little mischievous. We love that we can take her on walks and hikes with no issues.
Teacup Goldendoodle
11 pounds
Mika is an 11 pound Teacup Goldendoodle. She is sweet and mellow and loves her mama!
F1B Teacup Goldendoodle
13 pounds
Olive is a sweet 13lbs F1b teacup Goldendoodle. She loves her family and gets lots of love and attention.
Poppy is is a 14lb F1b Goldendoodle. She is a gorgeous fire red with a very soft coat. She is such a snuggler and very happy go lucky.
Porche is a dark red, teacup Goldendoodle with the softest, heavy coat! She is so friendly and sweet and loves everyone she meets.
F1B Mini Goldendoodle
18 pounds
Rosie is a beautiful 18lb f1b Red Goldendoodle with stunning white markings. She is friendly and loving and is so great with kids and other dogs.
Teacup Goldendoodle
12 pounds
Ruby is a red, curly Goldendoodle and weighs 12 pounds. She is sweet and loving and makes friends with everyone she meets.
Toy Poodle
6 pounds
Sadie is a 6 pound Toy Poodle. Sadie is the sweetest dog. She loves to cuddle, and gives lots of kisses. She loves to play fetch and loves her daily walks.
F1B Mini Goldendoodle
18 pounds
Sadie Sue is an 18lb F1b Goldendoodle. She has such a sweet personality and we are in love with her red, curly silky soft coat. She is such a sweetheart.
F1 Mini Goldendoodle
48 pounds
Willow is a fun-loving girl who gets a lot of love from her family. She gets along with others dogs and especially loves kids.
Mini Goldendoodle
19 pounds
White and Red
Stache loves kids, running around outside, going on walks and going for car rides. He loves to be held and scratched if you stop and he wants you to keep scratching him he will tell you with his paws by scratching your arms!
Contact: Timber Taylor Doodles | West Ogden, UT | | Email us:
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